
    Deliver CarJam Reports. Use a Development Connection. Charge an Account.

    Test vs Production site


    • Register as a user on CarJam (test first, then production)
    • Open an Account (test then production) and generate Account API Key.
    • Get a development connection (test and when ready production) and generate Developer API Key.

    Common Parameters

    • key=API Key
    • account_key=Account Key

    Create Report

    Endpoint URL

    Request: GET (or POST) Parameters

    • plate=PLATE|VIN
    • basic=1 to include basic vehicle information (to disable basic=0) available only if you are reselling into non-consumer market
    • owners=1 to include ownership history. available only if you are reselling into non-consumer market.
    • ppsrf=1 to include PPSR (money owing information). available only if you are reselling into non-consumer market.
    • ruch=1 to include RUC history. available only if you are reselling into non-consumer market.
    • fullhistory=1 for CarJam Full History report when you are reselling into a consumer market
    • dgfull=1 to include NZ Market Valuation
    • guarantee=1 to include $250,000 Ownership Guarantee
    • vinaudit=1 to include full USA history



    to create a report with basic and money owing information.


        "ref": "35C4E91A",
        "completed": null,
        "created": 1470345253,
        "price_cents": 2334,
        "vehicle_title": ""

    Two important fields to note:

    • ref is a reference for this created report
    • completed will be set to true when report is ready. Otherwise, you will have to keep polling.

    Retrieve Report

    Endpoint URL

    Request: GET Parameters

    • ref=


    The report is ready when completed field is true. Otherwise, you will have to keep polling. There is an HTTP header Refresh which helps you to decide when to check again.


    Error Responses

        "code": -1,
        "message": "Missing Developer Key."