Vehicle Information, History and Money Owing Reports

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    🇳🇿 NZ Vehicle Information, History and Money Owing

    🇯🇵 Japan Vehicle Information and History

    Our vehicle history reports provide valuable information about the vehicle's history in Japan before it was imported to New Zealand. By checking your import against our database, you can avoid potential horror stories and ensure that you are making an informed purchase.

    This report will contain the following information where available:

    • Accident History
      The report contains a comprehensive overview of the vehicle's accident history, including any malfunctions, collisions, airbag deployments, thefts, fire damage, water/flood damage, hail damage, or other natural disasters. Shockingly, over 20% of Japanese imported vehicles have a history of one or more collisions.
    • Odometer History
      Additionally, our report includes information about the vehicle's odometer history, such as wind backs, excessive usage, and other potential problems. However, it's important to note that the availability of the complete odometer history may be limited for older vehicles.
    • Contamination Risks
      We also provide information about potential contamination risks, such as whether the vehicle has been used in a contaminated region or failed the contamination test, including radioactive contamination.
    • Commercial Usage
      Our report also indicates whether the vehicle has been used for commercial purposes, such as a police car, taxi, rental, etc.
    • Recalls
      Our report also covers any recalls the vehicle may have had and the reason for the recall, such as the Takata airbag recall.
    • Average Market Price and Safety Ratings
      We also provide auction data to indicate the average market price of the vehicle in Japan and safety ratings where available.

    Please keep in mind that some parts of the report are sourced from the Japanese government during Japanese working hours using human operators. Therefore, the collection of the report can take up to one Japanese business day. You will be notified by email once the report is ready.

    Japanese import?

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    🇺🇸 USA Vehicle Information and History

    Our vehicle history reports provide essential information about vehicles imported from the USA into New Zealand. By checking your import against our database, you can avoid any potential issues and ensure that you make an informed purchase.

    This report will contain the following information where available:

    • Title and Accident History
      The report includes a detailed overview of the vehicle's title history, including the ownership history, the number of owners, and any title changes or discrepancies that may exist. Additionally, our report includes information about the vehicle's accident history, including impacted areas and repair costs, if available.
    • Odometer History
      We also provide information about the vehicle's odometer history, such as any wind backs, excessive usage, and other potential problems.
    • Theft History, Junk, Salvage and Insurance Records
      Our report also covers any theft history, including junk, salvage, and insurance records.
    • Sales History, Reconstructed or Refurbished
      Furthermore, we provide sales history and indicate whether the vehicle has been reconstructed or refurbished.
    • Vehicle Usage
      Our report also indicates whether the vehicle has been used for commercial purposes, such as a rental, taxi, or police car.
    • And more...
      Additionally, we provide any other relevant information available, such as previous repairs, maintenance records, or any other red flags that may exist.

    Please note that our vehicle history reports are based on available data, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. However, we strive to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date information possible, so you can make an informed decision when importing a vehicle from the USA into New Zealand.

    🇦🇺 Australian Vehicle Write-off Damage, Stolen and Money Owing Information

    Our vehicle history reports provide valuable information for vehicles imported from Australia to New Zealand. These reports include:

    • Vehicle Damage and Written-Off Information in Australia
      If available, this section provides details on whether the vehicle has been declared a statutory write-off in Australia due to serious damage from an accident, flooding, or hail damage. This information is important as these vehicles may still be imported to New Zealand, used for parts, or repaired and sold after certification.
    • Vehicle Description and Registration Information in Australia
      If available, this section provides basic information on the vehicle, including its make, model, year of manufacture, body type, and other relevant details. This information can help you verify that the vehicle matches the description provided by the seller and assess its value.
    • Vehicle Stolen Status in Australia
      If available, this section checks the vehicle's status against a database of all police stolen vehicle reports loaded against the Australian state and territory jurisdictions, not including Tasmania. This information can help you avoid purchasing a stolen vehicle.
    • Money Owing on the Vehicle in Australia
      This section helps you determine if the vehicle has any outstanding debt or financial interests registered against it. Knowing this information can help you avoid possible repossession by a bank or financier.
    • Recalls
      Our report also covers any recalls the vehicle may have had and the reason for the recall, such as the Takata airbag recall.

    By providing comprehensive and accurate information, our vehicle history reports help you make informed decisions when purchasing an imported vehicle from Australia.

    Use our PPSR AU standalone report for vehicles located in Australia.

    Import from Australia?

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    🇳🇿 NZ Free Report

    The information in the Free Report may not be current. Details listed below may be omitted if the data is outdated. For the most recent information, please refer to the Full Report.

    Odometer History

    • Odometer readings history of recorded at the WOF/COF inspections and during import border inspections.
    • Have the readings been consistent?
    • Estimated current odometer reading

    Vehicle Identification

    • Make, model, year, submodel
    • VIN, plate, plate type, replacement plate
    • Colour and secondary colour
    • Engine number and chassis number


    • If a vehicle is in the Police's database of stolen vehicles you will find out about it on CarJam immediately.
    • CarJam has been delivering stolen vehicle information for free since we started back in 2008.
    • Did you know that every year 23,000 vehicles are stolen?

    Plates History

    • The history of registration plates that have been issued for this vehicle in New Zealand.

    Vehicle Details

    • Vehicle type, body style and number of seats
    • CC rating, power and transmission
    • Fuel type and alternative fuel type
    • Assembly type and country of origin
    • Gross vehicle mass and tare weight
    • Maximum rated towed mass
    • Axle type, number of axles and wheelbase
    • Front and rear axle group ratings

    Economy, Safety and Pollution

    • Fuel consumption and yearly cost
    • Carbon dioxide emissions and pollutants rating
    • Driver safety and other safety information